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Quran 102 Course Sister Form   Quran 102 Course Brother Form   Quran 102 Course Detail    2025 ArRahmah Graduation details

Islamic Date & Time

Quran Tafseer Courses

In Urdu:

In Pashto:

Dawah material

Flyers and printing material:

Qalmi & Al-Fauz Quran Orders

To order Qalmi Quran or Al Fauz Quran, go to or click

If you have any questions regarding your order, please send Text or leave voice message at 206-412-0992

Arrahmah Course Policies

Only Sisters can register for this Course.

Students are expected to attend classes regularly and meet all of the following requirements in order to receive certificate:

  • Tafseer, Tajweed & Seerah class attendance must be maintained at 90%.
  • The attendance in group activity session should be atleast 70%.
  • When a student misses class or group activity session because of a valid excuse, it is the student's responsibility to notify the group leader and provide an explanation.
  • Students must submit all Tests (including Seerah tests) in time.


  • I want to share about me ...(Read more)

  • Ap k lectures dil men utar jate hen..... (Read more)

  • I take this opportunity to thank everyone in this group and the team of Ar -Rahma.....(Read more)

  • you r like a friend or mostly like my second mother who has ... (Read more)