Untitled Document
Translation & Tafseer by Ustaza Najiha Hashmi (2019)
(These are unedited lectures just for the help of students and listeners)
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Juz 11    یعتذرون PRACTICE WORDS  
Surah At-Taubah    التوبۃ
Root words
Ref. Material
Lesson 110: Ayah 94-106(10/22/21)
Lesson 111: Ayah 107-116(10/29/21)
Lesson 112: Ayah 117-129(11/5/21)
Surah yunus    یونـس
Lesson 113: Ayah 1-20 (11/12/21)
Lesson 114: Ayah 21-36 (11/19/21)
Lesson 115: Ayah 37-60 (11/24/21)
Lesson 116: Ayah 61-82 (12/3/21)
Lesson 117: Ayah 83-109 (12/10/21)